Update v0.5.4

PLUMMET BOTS PROTOTYPE v0.5.4 (Difficulty Buttons)


v0.5.4 (Difficulty Buttons)


-Added 3 buttons for difficulty on the main menu (Easy, Medium, Hard) which will spawn the amount of obstacles depending on the difficulty for the player. 

-Removed the button for switching between 1st and 3rd person view and mapped the button to F now which is easier for the player to switch back and fourth.

-Updated splash with higher resolution version.

-Menu UI Redone to handle difficulty buttons.


-Game seems to freeze at the initial load after a player selects a difficulty from the menu. This is simply the game loading all its assets and such. I will add a loading screen to put in place of this. 

-Tunneling (where the player hits an object but a collision does not register). This seems to be much better but not sure if its completely fixed.



PlummetBots.zip 294 MB
May 29, 2023

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